

Turn-In Directions for your Digital Photography Portfolio


  1. Log OUT of Weebly
  2. Go to someone else’s portfolio address in this class and view their work. On the comments page, send them a message using the contact box. Tell them what your favorite image is from their Best Work and Why.
  3. Type the address of your portfolio into your internet browser. Example:
  4. Copy the address
  5. Email the link to your portfolio to someone you would like to show it to (the person can not be in this class).
  6. Into the comments section of THIS post, paste the address to your portfolio, and the email address of the person you sent it to.
  7. DONE-ZO! Have a great semester 2!!!



1-Up Week!


This is the last week before we begin the final and your chance to recover and grade. Here are your options for the week:

**Note You must notify me if you turn in a past due Photo Challenge.

  1. Make up an assignment you didn’t turn in.
  2. Re-shoot a photo you want to receive a better grade on
  3. Turned all your assignments in? Recreate a photo from a photographer you admire. You will turn in an image of the original photo with your own. This is an optional assignment that will be added to your current grade, it doesn’t replace another assignment grade.
  4. Everyone will receive a participation grade this week for completing the above.



Photography Career Path


  1. Open Microsoft Word and create a new document. Name it “Photography Career Path” and save it to your folder on the D drive.
  2. Title your paper at the top “Photography Career Path
  3. Choose an entry-level job in photography that interests you the most HERE or HERE.
  4. Paragraph 1: Tell me the name of the entry-level position, why it interests you, a description of the job/ what you would be doing in the position, and the qualifications necessary.
  5. Choose a professional Photography Program HERE.
  6. Paragraph 2: Tell me the average salary, work environment, education required, the job description, and what you would be doing in this position.
  7. SAVE!
  8. Turn-in instructions will be given tomorrow.


Object Stories Brainstorm

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This is your time to brainstorm your object ideas. Mentally teleport yourself to places you keep important things. What’s on your desk, dresser, under your bed or in a shoebox? Try to think of an object that evokes a special memory.

Respond to this post with 2 object ideas. Tell me what each object is and why it’s important to you (just 1 sentence per object) Due TODAY.


Winter Break Bokeh Challenge.. Win a PIE!!!

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What better way to sweeten the week after break than to win your very own pie?? Sweet Montana Cherry, Oregon Marion berry, Velvet Chocolate Silk, Coconut Cream… Sound good?

  1. Research Bokeh photograhy.
  2. Take a photo in Bokeh style over break.
  3. Record your camera settings (aperture, shutter speed, etc.)
  4. Post it to HHS photo – then copy and paste your links to THIS post (deadline 1/5). Add your full name & camera settings you used to your post title.
  5. This time I will be the judge 🙂 You will compete with all 3 photo classes. There is only one winner. Winner receives the Shari’s pie of their choice!


Photographer of the Week: Dan Mountford

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Dan Mountford is a freelance graphic designer and photographer residing in Brighton, England. He is most well known for his stunning double exposure photography, which he describes as “a visual journey through our minds by calm and tidy means which the reality of everyday life does not show”. Mountford captures his dual subjects beautifully, giving life to new composite images that take on unique, surreal forms. Even more impressive, the exposures themselves are created entirely by camera (no photoshop involved)!

After viewing the images above, answer the questions below in the comments section of this post (in paragraph format. No #’s and PLEASE type in complete sentences).

  • Choose one image above. Describe the photos that are layered together to create the final image. How does combining these photos create a new, unique image?  How is the mood of the photo changed?
  • What do you think Dan Mountford is attempting to communicate through his work?
  • How does contrast play a role in the images above?



POW: Jeremy Jackson

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Jeremy Jackson‘s spastic use of color, patterns, and reflections create a body of work unrivaled by most. Beyond the pure aesthetic appeal of Jeremy’s work, there’s a tremendous feeling of fun that oozes out of every piece.

Looking at his photos you can’t help but feel like every one of them was just as enjoyable to create as it is to look at. His beautiful, bright, and bizarre worlds are a welcome addition to the light painting universe.

After looking at the images above, respond to the questions below in the comments section of this post in paragraph format.

  • How would you describe the mood of Jeremy Jackson’s work?
  • What sorts of things does he create in his photographs with lights?
  • How do you think he creates these effects? Describe.
  • In your opinion, what is Jeremy Jackson trying to communicate through his work?

Here are some video examples of Jeremy’s time lapse photography:

November Light Trails

August Time Lapses

Friday Night Lights

Tacky Beesness


Follow Jeremy on Flickr HERE.


Unique Framing Brainstorm


Do you know why we brainstorm? Taking the time to both plan and execute your photo helps make sure the subject is clear and worth taking the time to photograph. It helps you create compelling photos. You want people to be unable to resist looking at them.

Respond to this post with 3 ideas for your 2 framing photos. 

**Note: Doors, windows and picture frames are not acceptable options. Remember, think outside the box!

Stuck? Click HERE for ideas.

Leave a comment

Fast Shutter Speed Practice


Today we’ll form small groups and take turns with the camera outside.

  1. We’ll review the Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO settings
  2. Head outside (better light!)
  3. Take a photo of someone in action. Adjust your light settings if needed (you must have proper lighting).
  4. When you have an action photo WITHOUT blur and adequate lighting, come back to show me on your computer for credit!


POV Reflection

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Photo submitted by: Angela Vuzily

Reflect on your practice and final photos for POV and respond to the comments section of this post with your answers to the questions below:

  • How would you compare your practice photo to your final photo?
  • What skill(s) did you learn that helped improve your photo?
  • What could you have done that would have brought your photo to another level?




Today we’ll experiment with RAW and JPEG files for your Avatars. It’s important that you understand what they are and their benefits (neither is better than the other, but they have their own purposes).

  • Click HERE to read about RAW vs. JPEG.
  • In your own words, answer the Questions below in your “comments” document you created in Word yesterday.
  • Copy and Paste your answers into the comments section of this post.
  • Answers that are copied and pasted from the article will not be accepted.
  1. What is a RAW file?
  2. What is a JPEG file?
  3. What are the benefits to shooting in JPEG format?
  4. What are the benefits to shooting in RAW format?



Where’s my stuff, yo??



Let’s spend a little time getting to know your computer, our class, and the blog.

***Open Microsoft Word and create a new document. Type your answers to the questions below, then copy and paste them as a comment to THIS post (where it says “comments” above). Be sure to include your: Period 1stName LastName at the top of your post.

1. Where can you find quick image links to Flickr and HHS Photography when you’re ready to browse or upload photos?

2. You forgot to post your photos to a photo challenge from last month! How can you quickly find that photo challenge without scrolling down forever and ever?

3. Your Grandma wants to know what this class is about and wants you to show her the syllabus on your Smart Phone. Where can you find it?

4. Where can you find the steps explaining how to turn in your photo(s) for grading?

5. Please complete the following sentence based on the info you found above: “My photos are not considered turned in until they are posted to ____ _____.”

6. Completing your comments correctly is an important part of your grade (20% in fact). Where you can find how I grade your comments?

7. You were sick last Friday 😦 Without scrolling down, how can you find that days to-do list with 1 click of the mouse (and without scrolling down)?

8. Regarding plagiarism: “If you did not press the shutter release button on the camera, than you did not _____ _____ ______.”

9. You will not receive higher than a ___ for a blurry photo submission.

10. Please explain the cell phone policy for this class.

11. How do you check out a camera to use at school?

12. How do you check out a camera to take home?

13. How many college credits can you earn for passing this class and how much do they cost you?

14. You have some extra time… Where can you find out about Photography-related contests and scholarships?

15. What happens if you win a photo challenge??

Done-zo! Go to File > Save As, Save this document, then copy and paste your answers as a comment to this post! Be sure to put your Period 1stName LastName at the top of your comment post in order to get credit!